การจัดการและควบคุมเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ในห้องเรียนและห้องปฏิบัติการโดยซอฟท์แวร์โอเพ่นซอส Veyon 1/4

ซอฟท์แวร์โอเพ่นซอส Veyon


การจัดการและควบคุมเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ในห้องเรียนและห้องปฏิบัติการโดยซอฟท์แวร์โอเพ่นซอส Veyon  โดยความสามารถของโปรแกรมมีดังนี้

Veyon is a free and open source software for computer monitoring and class room management. It allows to monitor and control computer rooms as well as to interact with users, e.g. students. The following features are available in Veyon:

  1. Monitoring: overview of a (class) room with screen contents of computers being shown in thumbnails
  2. Remote view or control computers
  3. Broadcast the teacher’s screen to all other computers in real time (full screen/window demo)
  4. Lock computers to control attention
  5. Distribute documents and other files to students
  6. Send text messages to students
  7. Power on, reboot or shutdown computers remotely
  8. Log out users
  9. Launch programs and open websites

การทำงานต่างๆของ service เป็นดังนี้

Veyon Master  
An application program that can be used to monitor and control other computers and utilize further Veyon features. In normal use, the program is started by the end user and accesses other computers via the Veyon Service.
Veyon Service 
A non-graphical service application which monitors user sessions on a computer and starts Veyon Server instances within these sessions. The service and its server subprocesses are required to run on all computers including teacher computers. If Veyon Server instances are started manually the Veyon Service is not required.
Veyon Server
A server application which provides access to a computer as well as control and application functions. In regular operation this program is started by the Veyon Service automatically and with elevated privileges so it can’t be terminated by users.
Veyon Worker
A helper program started by the server to provide specific functions in an isolated environment or in the context of the currently logged-on user. Those specific functions include the tray icon, the demo server on the teacher computer and the demo client on the student computers.
Veyon Configurator
A configuration tool which allows to configure and customize all components of a local Veyon installation through a graphical user interface. The program is started by the administrator with elevated privileges whenever necessary.
Veyon CLI
A command line tool that in addition to the Veyon Configurator allows various configuration adjustments, automated tasks and the use of some Veyon features without graphical interaction. The program is run either interactively on the command line or script-controlled with usually administrative privileges.

By : ธราดล กิจบรรณ

โปรไฟล์ Blog โปรไฟล์ E-portfolio

หมวดหมู่ : เทคโนโลยี

ผู้เข้าชม 2473 ครั้ง

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