upgrade Ceph Pacific to Quincy

1.Enable msgrv2 Protocol and Update Ceph Configuration
#ceph mon enable-msgr2
#ceph mon dump
2.Preparation on each Ceph Cluster Node
#sed -i 's/pacific/quincy/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/ceph-quincy bullseye main
3.Set the 'noout' Flag
#ceph osd set noout
4.Upgrade on each Ceph Cluster Node
#apt update
#apt full-upgrade
5.Restart the Monitor Daemon
#systemctl restart ceph-mon.target
#ceph mon dump | grep min_mon_release
min_mon_release 17 (quincy)
6.Restart the Manager Daemons on all Nodes
#systemctl restart ceph-mgr.target
7.Restart the OSD Daemon on all Nodes
#systemctl restart ceph-osd.target
ceph status
8.Disallow pre-Quincy OSDs and Enable all new Quincy-only Functionality
#ceph osd require-osd-release quincy
9.Unset the 'noout' Flag
#ceph osd unset noout