นายธัชชา สามพิมพ์

Mr. Tatcha Sampim




  วารสาร / บทความตีพิมพ์

ชื่อผลงาน : Risk Management in Biomass Power Plants Using Fuel Switching Flexibility

ประเภท : ผลงานวิจัยที่ตีพิมพ์ / บทความวิจัยที่ตีพิมพ์ในวารสาร (Publications)

ชื่อผุ้ร่วมผลงาน : Nakhon Kokkaew, Piya Parnphumeesup

ปีที่เผยแพร่ : 2560

สถานที่ตีพิมพ์ : Energy Procedia, Volume 138, October 2017, Pages 1099-1104

รายละเอียด : Thailand’s energy consumption from alternative sources continues to increase in recent years. This is largely due to the Thai government’s policy in promoting alternative energy development in all sectors, especially in biomass energy which accounts for a significant share of the total amount of alternative energy. Moreover, over the next 20 years, Thailand wants to double the amount of energy from biomass sources from 2,812 MW to 5,570 MW by 2035. In order to meet this ambitious target, the Thai government provides financial incentives through a program called Feed-in-Tariff so as to attract private developers to implement alternative energy projects. As for biomass power plants, however, a major risk is an input biomass price, which can be fluctuated according to season and availability

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