คุณภาพคณาจารย์ทั้งหมดของมหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช |
ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ/วุฒิการศึกษา |
ปีพุทธศักราช 2567 |
ปริญญาตรี |
ปริญญาโท |
ปริญญาเอก |
รวม(คน) |
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ | 0 | 39 | 57.5 | 96.5 |
รองศาสตราจารย์ | 0 | 1 | 7 | 8 |
อาจารย์ | 1 | 60 | 58 | 119 |
รวมจำนวน(คน) |
Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-00904: "DE"."LINE_CODE": invalid identifier in /var/www/html/home/lib/myoci.php on line 18 oci_execute failed: select sum(c.count_point ) sum1
from vw_person_detail d,vw_person_education e,bs_person_type t, vw_person_working_count c
where d.person_id=c.person_id
and e.education_position='YN'
and d.person_id=e.person_id(+)
and e.degree_type_code='4'
and (d.line_code='10000' or d.line_code='02106' or d.line_code='02107' or d.line_code='10007' or d.line_code='10003' or d.line_code='99113' or de.line_code='10003') and d.person_type_code=t.person_type_code and t.moa_sub_code='1' Warning: oci_fetch_row(): ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch in /var/www/html/home/lib/myoci.php on line 43 |
Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-00904: "DE"."LINE_CODE": invalid identifier in /var/www/html/home/lib/myoci.php on line 18 oci_execute failed: select sum(c.count_point ) sum2
from vw_person_detail d,vw_person_education e ,bs_person_type t, vw_person_working_count c
where d.person_id=c.person_id
and e.education_position='YN'
and d.person_id=e.person_id(+)
and e.degree_type_code='6'
and (d.line_code='10000' or d.line_code='02106' or d.line_code='02107' or d.line_code='10007' or d.line_code='10003' or d.line_code='99113' or de.line_code='10003' ) and d.person_type_code=t.person_type_code and t.moa_sub_code='1' Warning: oci_fetch_row(): ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch in /var/www/html/home/lib/myoci.php on line 43 |
Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-00904: "DE"."LINE_CODE": invalid identifier in /var/www/html/home/lib/myoci.php on line 18 oci_execute failed: select sum(c.count_point ) sum3
from vw_person_detail d,vw_person_education e,bs_person_type t, vw_person_working_count c
where d.person_id=c.person_id
and e.education_position='YN'
and d.person_id=e.person_id(+)
and e.degree_type_code='7'
and (d.line_code='10000' or d.line_code='02106' or d.line_code='02107' or d.line_code='10007' or d.line_code='10003' or d.line_code='99113' or de.line_code='10003') and d.person_type_code=t.person_type_code and t.moa_sub_code='1' Warning: oci_fetch_row(): ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch in /var/www/html/home/lib/myoci.php on line 43 |
Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-00904: "DE"."LINE_CODE": invalid identifier in /var/www/html/home/lib/myoci.php on line 18 oci_execute failed: select sum(c.count_point ) sum4
from vw_person_detail d,vw_person_education e ,bs_person_type t, vw_person_working_count c
where d.person_id=c.person_id
and e.education_position='YN'
and d.person_id=e.person_id(+)
and (d.line_code='10000' or d.line_code='02106' or d.line_code='02107' or d.line_code='10007' or d.line_code='10003' or d.line_code='99113' or de.line_code='10003') and d.person_type_code=t.person_type_code and t.moa_sub_code='1' Warning: oci_fetch_row(): ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch in /var/www/html/home/lib/myoci.php on line 43 |
แสดงผล ณ วันที่ 05/11/2024